If you want to look good and feel confident, you need to learn how to match colors in your clothes. It’s a simple, yet important technique that will give you a stylish, well-put together outfit.
You can match colors by using an analogous color palette, a complementary color combination or a contrasting one.
Analogous Colors
When you’re working with a palette, analogous colors are often one of the best ways to get a smooth, seamless look. They work especially well in low-contrast designs.
You can see analogous color schemes all around you, whether it’s the leaves turning in the autumn or the gradient of a sunset. You can also see them in the peacock’s tail feathers – they combine harmonious shades of blue and green.
Claude Monet, for example, used a green analogous color scheme in his painting Water Lily Pond, which created a sense of liveliness and vibrancy. Franklin Carmichael also used a yellow analogous color set to create the sense of rejuvenation in his painting Spring.
Analogous colors are also a great way to match colors in your clothes. They’re easy to use and can create a visually pleasing ensemble.
Complementary Colors
The best way to match colors in your clothes is to use complementary colors. These are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel – yellow and purple, green and red, blue and orange.
Complementary colors create a really popping contrast of color when they are placed next to each other. They can be a little jarring, though, if you don’t play with them carefully.
A great way to wear complementary colors is to add small accents in them, like pocket squares or boutonnieres. This will keep your outfit looking fresh and fun.
The best way to create a complementary color scheme is to pick one key color and then select the colors to either side of it on the color wheel. These are called “split complementary” colors.
Contrasting Colors
Contrasting colors make a design more interesting and recognizable. They also help to convey a message and create a mood.
Using contrasting colors in your clothes allows you to add some visual flair to your wardrobe and can be used in a variety of different ways. For instance, red and green are classic Christmas colors or lavender and saffron are popular in nature.
The key to choosing a contrasting color is to choose one that contrasts with your natural skin tone and hair. This will ensure that your outfit doesn’t clash with your appearance.
For example, if you have pale skin and light hair, you should avoid wearing dark blue or navy shirts as they can look washed out. Instead, go for a darker shade of the same color or a darker hue.

Neutrals are a timeless and classic color palette that will never go out of style. They are also easy to mix and match with other colors in your wardrobe.
When you have an all-neutral outfit, it’s important to pair it with something that adds interest. This can be a statement coat, handbag, or shoes.
It’s also a good idea to add a pattern that matches your neutrals. You can use a plaid shirt with your neutral dress or a chunky knit sweater with your pants.
Similarly, you can use your hair to help create an outfit that’s both contrasting and reflecting your skin tone. Dark hair looks great with whites and creams, while light hair works with blacks and browns.
Warm neutrals include beige, tan, gold, cream, ivory, chocolate brown, and olive. Cool neutrals include pristine white, lots of grey shades, silver, and navy blue.